Austrian Wind Power Investing

Brian Hicks

Written By Brian Hicks

Posted May 22, 2013

A new opinion poll conducted in Austria has found that 77% of Austrians are in favour of wind energy compared to just 4% in favour of fossil fuels and 1% for nuclear power.

The poll, published on 8 May by the Austrian Wind Energy Association, IG Windkraft, also found that Austrian’s are prepared to pay €25 per year for wind energy – five times the level they currently pay.

“Austrians want an energy transition and wish for the expansion of wind power,” said Stefan Moidl, Managing Director of IG Windkraft.

The survey also polled people currently living near a wind farm – of whom 82% said the turbines have no impact on their life, 15% said the turbines have a positive impact, and 4% said the impact was negative.

The poll goes against the grain in some of Europe’s media which displays a more negative opinion of wind energy. But, even though wind energy can face strong and vociferous local opposition, opinion polls have time and again shown that the general public are in favour.

80% of people support wind energy in Ireland, and an EU-wide survey found that 70% of Europeans think wind energy should be prioritised; 71% of Americans want more wind power; UK residents have said they would prefer a wind power project to a shale gas well in their surrounding area; nine in ten French citizens favour renewables and 95% of Estonians back wind energy.


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